Tutoring for Ukrainien Children in foster care
Tutoring for Ukrainien
Children in foster care
The number of families in need of tutoring:
Five families with a total of 21 children.
Age of the children: 9-18 years
1. Foster Family with ten children
Original residence: City of Lysychansk, Luhansk region
Current residence: Village in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine
2. Foster Family with one child
Original residence: Starobil District, Luhansk Region
Current residence: Village in Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine
3. Foster Family with two children
Original residence: City of Severodonetsk, Luhansk Region
Current residence: Germany (temporary)
4. Foster Family with seven children
Original residence: Luhansk Region
Current residence: Poland
5. Foster Family with one child
Original residence: Luhansk Region
Current residence: Poland
Services offered: SOS-Kinderdorf offers the children tutoring in Ukrainien, English, Math, and
German at least one a week.
Causes of the educational needs:
Some children were unable to attend school for a long time due to the war. Others are now living
abroad and attending a local school, while also attending an online Ukrainian school. All of them
want to return to Ukraine when the war is over. Some children have received poor grades in school
due to frequent moves and traumatic events in the past. Therefore, they needed additional tutoring.
Project goal:
We aim to help foster children improve their knowledge and catch up on the material they missed
due to the war. However, we also want to provide long-term support for the children.
With 5,000 euros, 14 children can be supported with tutoring for one year.