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Our expertise in professional accreditation and international event management distinguishes us. We excel in building lasting relationships with clients, offering bespoke accreditation solutions that streamline the accreditation process. Our unified approach ensures exceptional outcomes in sports event management, setting us apart with unmatched results and efficiency.

Our Mission

To support event organisers in facilitating accreditation and access management processes in a cost-efficient way.

Our Vision

To improve safety and security at events in a simple and innovative way.

  • 2022

    growing recognition from different regions and sports disciplines

  • 2021

    successful implementation of multiple mega-events, working with more than 50 accreditation professionals from all over the world

  • 2020

    Integration of Covid-19 Health and Safety Protocol in the Accreditation Process

  • 2020

    Expansion of all Accreditation and Consulting Services

  • 2019

    Consultation on optimization of accreditation processes for various Sports Associations

  • 2019

    Management of the Accreditation Project for multiple events
    Provision of experienced accreditation staff for multiple events

  • 2019

    Foundation of Accred OPS GmbH